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Institute of Parasitology

Publikationen in nicht-rezensierten Zeitschriften (1997-2008)


Grimm, F. (2008). Parasiten des Menschen. Praxis Arena 8: 5-9.

Mehlhorn, H. (ed.), Köhler, P. (contributor) (2008). Encyclopedia of Parasitology. Springer Reference Verlag, 3rd edition.

Eckert, J., Friedhoff, K.T., Zahner, H., Deplazes, P. (2008). Lehrbuch der Parasitologie für die Tiermedizin, 2. Auflage. Enke Verlag, Stuttgart

Deplazes, P. (2008). Besitzer aufklären: Hundehaltung ist wesentlicher Risikofaktor. VETimpulse 15

Deplazes, P. (2008). Neues zur Epidemiologie der Alveolären Echinokokkose. Vet-MedReport, Sonderausgabe V3, 32: 1

Schnyder, M. (2008). Klinik und Laborbefunde bei 6 mit Angiostrongylus vasorum experimentell infizierten Hunden. Vet-MedReport, Sonderausgabe V3, 32: 2


Deplazes, P., Hegglin, D. (2007). Fuchsbandwurm: In der Schweiz erkranken deutlich mehr Menschen an Alveolärer Echinococcose. BVET-Magazin 3/2007: 2-4.

Flütsch, F., Deplazes, P. (2007). Rinderbandwurm – einfacher Zyklus und schwierige Bekämpfung. BVET-Magazin 3/2007: 5-6.

Mathis, A. (2007). Insekten und Zecken als Krankheitsüberträger. BVET-Magazin 1/2007: 2-5.


Deplazes, P., Stäbler, S. (2006): Reisemedizin parasitärer Erkrankungen des Hundes. Kongress Spiegel, DVG-Tagung Wetzlar.

Hegglin, D., Gloor, S., Deplazes, P. (2006).Ganz schön frech – Füchse in Zürich. BVET-Magazin 6/2006: 20-22.

Deplazes, P. (2006). Ecology and epidemiology of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. Parassitologia 48: 37-39.


Stäbler, S., Deplazes, P. (2005). Diagnostik und Therapie der caninen Alveolären Echinococcose. Vet-MedReport, Sonderausgabe V6, 29: 8.

Deplazes, P. (2005). Epidemiology and transmission biology of Echinococcus multilocularis in Europe. Bull. Scandi.-Baltic Soc Parasitol. 14: 7-10.


Budke, C.M., Qiu, J.-M., Wang, Q., Zinsstag, J., Torgerson, P.R. (2004). Burden of echinococcosis for a high endemic region of the Tibetan plateau. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 119.

Campos-Ponce, M., Buishi, I., Hamburger, J. Raoul, F., Romig, T., Budke, C.M., Yang, W., Wang, Q., Boufana, B., Craig, P.S. (2004). Evaluation of a diagnostic E. granulosus specific copro-PCR. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 67.

Deplazes, P., Hegglin, D. (2004). Der Fuchsbandwurm im urbanen Raum. BVET-Magazin 3: 12-14.

Deplazes, P., Grimm, F., Sydler, T., Kapel, C.M.O. (2004). Experimental Echinococcus multilocularis infection in pigs, a potential model for the human infection. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 87.

Deplazes, P., Thompson, R.C.A., Torgerson, P.R., Hobbs, P.R., Kapel, C.M.O. (2004). Infectivity, development and reproduction of Echinococcus multilocularis in foxes, racoon dogs, dogs and cats: a comparative study. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 137.

Eckert, J.* (2004). Vertikale Übertragung von Helminthen bei Tieren. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF89, 334: 331-349.

Hegglin, D., Ward, P.I., Deplazes, P. (2004). Anthelmintic baiting of urban foxes against Echinococcus multilocularis. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 135.

Hegglin, D., Deplazes, P. (2004). Der kleine Fuchsbandwurm im Siedlungsraum. Wildbiologie 6/36.

Shaikenov, B.S., Masenov, B. B., Mathis, A., Deplazes, P., Torgerson, P.R. (2004). Contamination of the village and urban environment of Kazakhstan with eggs of Taenia spp. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 138.

Shaikenov, B.S., Kamiya, M., Torgerson, P.R., Deplazes, P. (2004).Ecological and behavioural aspects of taeniid parasites and their intermediate and definitive hosts that promote transmission. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 153.

Torgerson, P.R., Shaikenov, B.S. (2004). Transmission dynamics of cystic echinococcosis: squaring the circle. Abstr. Internat. Arch. Hydatidol. XXXV: p. 5.


Deplazes, P., Mettler, M. (2003). Epidemiologische und klinische Aspekte der caninen Leishmaniose in Zentraleuropa. Vet-MedReport 27 (Sonderausgabe V2): 12-13.

Garcia, L.S., Shimizu, R.Y., Deplazes, P. (2003). Specimen collection, transport, and processing: Parasitology. In: Murray, P.R., Baron, E.J., Jorgensen, J.H., Pfaller, M.A., Yolken, R.H. (eds.). Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 8th ed., ASM Press, Washington, D.C., pp. 1903-1919.

Mathis, A. (2003). Cryptosporidien. BVET-Magazin 3/2003: 22-23.

Ochs, H., Siegfried, E., Deplazes, P. (2003). Differences in host im¬mune response and behaviour of mites in experimental cross in¬festations of sheep and rabbits with Psoroptes ovis and Psoroptes cuniculi. Proceedings of the final conference “COST Action 833 Mange and Myiasis of Livestock” 2002, pp. 120-127.


Deplazes, P. (2002). Zoonotische Bedeutung der Kryptosporidiose. Vet-MedReport 26 (Sonderausgabe V3): 8.

Deplazes, P., Gloor, S., Stieger, C., Hegglin, D. (2002). Urban transmission of Echinococcus multilocularis. Cestode Zoonoses: Echinococcosis and Cysticercosis, P. Craig and Z. Pawlowski (Ed.), IOS Press, pp.287-297.

Elias, F., Sterregaard, F., Baumgartner. R., Walzer, C., Slotta-Bachmayr, L., Ganbataar, O., Bajalagmaa, N., Isenbügel, E., Deplazes, P. (2002). Parasitologic examinations in reintroduced Przewalski horses (Equus caballus przewalskii) compared to Mongolian domestic horses (Equus caballus) and Dschiggetais (Equus h. hemionus) in the Dzungarian Gobi, Mongolia. Proc. Europ. Assoc. of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterianarians (EAZWV) 4th Scientific Meeting, joint with the annual meeting of the Europ. Wildlife Disease Assoc. (EWDA) May 8-12, Heidelberg, Germany, 2002, pp. 233-240.

Hertzberg, H. (2002). Pilze fangen Magen-Darmwürmer ein. Bioaktuell, Nr. 2, 14-15.

Hertzberg, H. (2002). Fliegenmadenbefall - ein Problem, das unter die Haut geht. Forum Kleinwiederkäuer, Nr. 9, 15-18.

Mathis, A., Deplazes, P. (2002). Role of PCR-DNA detection of Echinococcus multilocularis. In: Craig, P., Pawlowski, Z. (eds.): Cestode Zoonoses: Echinococcosis and Cysticercosis. IOS Press, pp. 195-204.

Mathis, A., Deplazes, P., Weber, R. (2002). Mikrosporidien: intrazelluläre Eukaryoten und opportunistische Krankheitserreger. Denisia 6: (zugleich Kataloge des OÖ. Landesmuseums, Neue Folge Nr. 184) 265-270.

Wenker, C.J., Hatt, J.-M., Ziegler, D., Mathis, A., Tanner, I., Deplazes, P. (2002). Microsporidiosis (Encephalitozoon spp.) of new world primates – an emerging disease? A seroepidemiological, pathological, and therapeutical survey in the Zurich zoo. Proc. Europ. Assoc. of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterinarians (EAZWV) 4th scientific meeting, joint with the annual meeting of the Europ. Wildlife Disease Assoc. (EWDA) May 8-12, Heidelberg, Germany, 2002, pp. 503-508.


Eckert, J (2001). Biologische Adaptationen von Helminthen. In: Hiepe Th, Aeschlimann A, Eckert J, Lucius R (Hrsg.): Parasitismus als Lebensform. Nova Acta Leopoldina NF 83:199-211.

Eckert, J, Conraths F-J, Mettenleiter ThC, Groschup MH, Hiepe Th (2001): Fragen und Antworten zum Rinderwahnsinn (BSE). Leopoldina Nachrichten Nr. 4 (Beilage der Naturwissenschaftlichen Rundschau, 54. Jahrgang, Heft 5).

Eckert J, Deplazes P, Craig PS, Gemmell MA, Gottstein B, Heath D, Jenkins DJ, Kamiya M, Lightowlers M.(2001). Echinococcosis in animals: clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 72-99 (Chapter 3).

Eckert J, Gemmell MA, Meslin F-X, Pawlowski ZS (eds.) (2001): WHO/OIE Manual on Echinococcosis in Humans and Animals: a Public Health Problem of Global Concern. World Organisation for Animal Health, Paris, pp. 1-265.

Eckert, J, Gottstein B, Heath D, Liu F-J (2001). Prevention of echinococcosis in humans and safety precautions. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 230-237 (Chapter 7).

Eckert J, Rausch RL, Gemmell MA, Giraudoux P, Kamiya M, Liu F-J, Schantz PM, Romig T (2001). Epidemiology of Echinococcus multilocularis, Echinococcus vogeli and Echinococcus oligarthrus. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 164-194 (Chapter 5.3.).

Eckert J, Schantz PM, Gasser RB, Torgerson PR, Bessonov AS, Movsessian SO, Thakur A, Grimm F, Nikogossian MA (2001). Geographic distribution and prevalence. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 100-142 (Chapter 4).

Eckert J, Schantz PM, Gemmell MA, Romig T, Sato N, Suzuki K (2001). Control of Echinococcus multilocularis. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 230-237 (Chapter 6.2.).

Gloor S, Bontadina F, Hegglin D, Hotz Th (2001). Füchse im Siedlungsraum. Merkblatt 6/32: Infodienst Wildbiologie & Oekologie.

Grimm F (2001). Determination of performance characteristics for immunodiagnostic assays. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 66-69 (Annex 2.1.).

Kayser FH, Bienz KA, Eckert J, Zinkernagel RM (2001). Medizinische Mikrobiologie. 10. Aufl. p. 1-727. Thieme, Stuttgart.

Köhler P, Tielens AGM (2001). Biochemistry of Parasites. In: Encyclopedic Reference of Parasitology, Biology Structure. Function (Mehlhorn, H., ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin.

Pawlowski ZS, Eckert J, Vuitton DA, Ammann RW, Kern P, Craig PS, Dar KF, De Rosa F, Filice C, Gottstein B, Grimm F, Macpherson CNL, Sato N, Todorov T, Uchino J, von Sinner W, Wen H (2001). Echinococcosis in humans: clinical aspects, diagnosis and treatment. WHO/OIE Manual on echinococcosis in humans and animals, p. 20-66 (Chapter 2).

Wenker C, Ossent P, Hänichen T, Hertzberg H (2001). Pathologic findings in South American camelids with dicrococliosis. EAAP publication No. 105, Göttingen, Germany, 27-29 May 1999.


Bollinger A, Eckert J, Rüttimann B, Becker F (2000). The "galloping“ history of intermittent claudication. VASA 29:295-299.

Ciaramella P, Deplazes P, Baldi L, Calabria G, Oliva G (2000). La neosporosi canina: Descrizione di casi clinici in due cucciolate. Veterinaria, Anno 14:83-92.

Rommel M, Eckert, J, Kutzer E, Körting W, Schnieder T (eds.) (2000). Veterinärmedizinische Parasitologie. 5. Aufl., Parey Buchverlag, Berlin.

Scharf G, Hertzberg H (2000). Epidemiology and prophylaxis of endoparasitic infections in cow-calf herds in Switzerland. Livestock farming systems, EAAP Publication No. 97:231-235.


Amman RW, Fleiner Hoffmann A and Eckert J (1999). Schweizerische Echinokokkose-Studiengruppe (SESG) (1999). Schweizerische Studie für Chemotherapie der alveolären Echinokokkose - Rückblick auf ein zwanzigjähriges klinisches Forschungsprojekt. Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 129, 323-332.

Deplazes P and Mathis A (1999). Methods for direct diagnosis of Echinococcus multilocularis in defintive hosts. Archivos Internacionales de la Hidatidosis 33, 6-10.

Eckert J (1999). Epidemiology of Echinoccoccus multilocularis in Europe. Archivos Internacionales de la Hidatidosis 33, 90-94.

Grimm F (1999). Leishmaniasis: Development of an in vitro assay for drug screening.3R-Info-Bulletin 12.

Hatt J.-M , Deplazes P, Guscetti F, Mathis A and Isenbügel E (1999). Encephalitozoon spp. (Microsporidia) in animals and humans - an overview. Verh. Ber. Erkrg. Zootiere 39, 215-219.

Malczewski A , Ramisz A, Rocki B, Bienko R, Balicka-Ramisz A and Eckert J (1999). Echinococcus multilocularis in red foxes (Vulpes vulpes) in Poland: an update of the epidemiological situation. Acta Parasitologica 44, 68-72.

Morgan U, Xiao L, Sulaiman I, Weber R, Lal A A, Thompson RCA and Deplazes P (1999). Which genotypes/species of Cryptosporidium are humans susceptible to? Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 46, 42-43.


Eckert J (1998). Parasiten in Nahrungsketten. Nova Acta Leopoldina 309, 99-120.

Eckert J (1998). Der "Kleine Fuchsbandwurm" (Echinococcus multilocularis) - eine persistierende Gefahr für den Menschen? Vierteljahresschrift der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Zürich 143, 57-66.

Eckert J (1998). Alveolar echinococcosis (Echinococcus multilocularis) and other forms of echinococcosis (Echinococcus vogeli and Echinococcus oligarthrus).In: Palmer SR Soulsby EJL Simpson DIH. (eds.). Zoonoses pp. 689-716.Oxford University Press Oxford.

Mathis A, Breitenmoser A, Suter C, Guscetti F, Weber R and Deplazes P (1998). Are microsporidia zoonotic? Animal hosts and genetic heterogeneity of microsporidian species infecting humans. pp 723-727 in: Tata I Kojima S Tsuji M (eds.). Proceedings of the IXth International Congress on Parasitology (ICOPA) Monduzzi Editore Bologna.

Service d'Information Biologie et Ecologie de la Faune Sauvage (1998). L'échinococcose alvéolaire. Chasse Nature 5, 31-33.


Deplazes P, Mathis A and Eckert J (1997). Diagnosis of Echinococcosis infection in final hosts by coproantigen and DNA detection. Archivos Internacionales de la Hidatidosis 32, 198-201.

Eckert J (1997). Alternatives to animal experimentation in parasitology. Veterinary Parasitology 71, 99-120.

Eckert J and Deplazes P (1997). Progress of drug treatment and new concepts for the management of the Echinococcus infection in definitive hosts. Archivos Internacionales de la Hidatidosis 32 202-205.

Eckert J and Deplazes P (1997). Der "gefährliche Fuchsbandwurm". Infodienst Wildbiologie & Wildökologie, Merkblatt 13/3.

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