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Institute of Parasitology

Where we do it

Public transport: from the main train station (Hauptbahnhof Zürich):

  • Tram Nr. 7 from "Bahnhofstrasse", direction "Stettbach".
  • until stop "Tierspital" (subterranean), choose the exit "Tierspital".
  • Follow the sign "Institut für Parasitologie" (see map below).

By car:

Use the carpark "Irchel". Then walk 10 mins. through the park, follow the signs to "Tierspitral".

  • Highway from Bern/Basel (A1): Northring, direction St. Gallen, crossroads Aubrugg: direction Zurich-City until exit Irchel, until carpark rchel.
  • Highway from Chur: signpost Transit, St. Gallen, Airport until exit Zurich-Irchel
  • Highway from St.Gallen: direction Zurich/City, exit Schwamendingen, direction Irchel until carpark Irchel.

for directions see also:

Weiterführende Informationen

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Institute of Parasitology

University of Zurich
Winterthurerstr. 266a
CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland
Telephon: +41 44 635 85 01
Telefax: +41 44 635 89 07